quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2009

Oh no..another fashion blog!

yes, that's right..another blog on the cyberculture of fashion.I hope you enjoy it.i'm going post 'things' that i like and share with you.I apologize for my english.

Life is a beach 

        Sasha Pivovarova Vogue Paris July 2009 


                                Vogue UK (Catherine Mcneill)

                                 Vogue Portugal June 2005


6 comentários:

  1. Pretty pictures!
    Fashion blogs are never too much

  2. I mean too many...
    by the way its things thinks is from the verb

  3. is her butt real, from the first pictures? haha just wondering.

    and cute blog, i'm sure it'll be great =]

  4. its not bad. everyone has a different point of view . im all for more blogs!w


  5. I LOVE Sasha P! And that second to last picture was taken by Ellen von Unwerth, whom I posted about the other day! Isn't she fabulous?

    I love your header. I actually have a similar pic of Naomi, but in mine she's in black and white but surrounded by dalmatians in a car.

    Thanks for the comment!

  6. omg! the sunglasses!that`s definitively going to be my wallpaper for a while!
